Thursday 10 November 2011


Assalamualaikum peeps !
Believe it or not, I actually like to go to school. Because I'm getting freakin bored staying home. Like -,- . 
*okay what is that ? Rubbish thing.
Hey you know what ? Next monday I got another camp. At Ulu Yam. Yeahh. Kem Nadwah Kepimpinan Peringkat Daerah Gombak. Heee. And guess what ? I'll be meeting with my sayang Nadhirah Ennaidi. She's an old friend from my primary school. It's been a long time since I met her last year at our so-called reunion for SRIAAG. But I met her again last month at the Kem Kepimpinan Ketua Pengawas. I told you about it right. Hee. Well, I'm gonna meet her again. Jealous ? Haha. Like I care. I'm super excited to go there. You know why ? Because I freakin like this kind of camp. That able us to mix with other student. Not just our friends but also other people and maybe from other school.  Okay Until next post, Bye :)
maryam <3

Wednesday 9 November 2011

You're the best thing I ever have :)

Assalamualaikum readers *adakeorangtahublogakuni.Harapmaklum.Akutakbagitahuorangpasalblogakunih.Kalaubacajangankutuk :) . 
Ayat kau tak boleh dramatis lagi ke Maryam ? dalam exam tak pulak kau nak jawab macam ni kan ? -,- . Haha. Dah lama tak update kan ? yelaa. Bukan ada orang baca pun. Aku tulis blog ni just for my pleasure. kan aku da cakap. Aku luahkan semua dekat sini. Because I have no one :) . Okay that's all. I'll post another one later. Need to do something right now. Bye. Assalamualaikum blogger :)

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Goodluck Atok

*haha. So cute right. SPM - Super Paper mario <3

14.11.2011. The form five student will sit for their exam. The scary SPM. *don't worry maryam, you will face it next year :) . I just wanna wish GOOD LUCK to all SPM candidates. I wish you all the best and do your best. Especially to all my form 5 friends. I'm gonna miss you in school next year. Especially you :) . All the best kay yeobo *wahh. yeobo gituu. He rarely online now. I think it's because of the SPM. 12 more days babe. And I don't have phone right now. So I'm freakingly miss him. And for some reason I never saw him in school this week. It was weird you know. I wanna ask those guys like Azz or someone else. But then, I felt embarassed. They will definitely teased me. I know them quite well. So I just have to keep inside me and just wait for him to come. Like yeahh, I miss him. But I never tell anyone. Anyway, again Goodluck to all SPM candidates. I know you can do it. Especially to Fikri Hafiz Jalil, Shafirul Hazry, Syamel Laili, Syafiq Ismail, Faiz Amiruddin, Zuhair, KhairullahTalib. They are the best form five laaa. I don't know why, I can't mix with the form 5 girls. Yeahh. Crazy right. But that't the truth. Hihi. Iloveyouguyssomuch. Although you guys are crazy. Haha. EspeciallyyouFHJ :)