Thursday 15 December 2011

Okaay, Next person is the one that I call my Kak Naz. Yes, She's like a sister to me. She always gave me advice whenever I need it. First time I met her in 1A1. We became close when we waited for our mother and transport to pick us up. We will guess who will go back first and normally, I would. Heee. I always enjoy studying with her. She can get me focus because normally I won't. Whenever I went to her house, I would go crazy over her CD collection. Aaaahhh. I would always borrow from her the CD. Thanks macikk. during PMR studying season, we always stay back and study together. Now, She had move to other school. I haven't met her since our last meeting at Summit. Imisshersomuch and iloveher. Wanna meet the person I was talking about ? This is her.


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