Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Yeawww

Hai Assalamualaikum. Okay, Even da lewat 30 minit nak wish, I still wanna wish you all a Happy New Year To all my sayang bloggers, facebookers, KPs, Muslims, Idealians, Al-Aminians and to all that know me. I wish 2012 will lead to a whole new life and of course, better life. Learn form your mistake. Never forget Allah. Be a good child and a good students.

To all SPM candidates 2012, this year is the year we have to push ourself to the fullest. No more playing, sleeping, and etc.

to you, I hope we will stay as long as we can. Iloveyou and I hope you do the same. Thanks for being the light in my life. Ily, ahy, imy <3

to Maryam Faahkaruddin, This is it. This year you really have to push yourself. Make sure you make your parents and teachers proud. So all your responsibility as a daughter, a student, and a leader. Always remember Allah is beside you.

SPM candidates 2012,
Maryam :)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

*sweet kan ? Geli ? Kesah ? *

Hai Assalamualaikum you. This post is specially for you. Nampak gambar tu ? Sweet kan ? Bila I tengok teringat kat you. Haha. Okaay, da gilaaa. Tapi kan tapi kan tapi kan, memang I suka gila tengok gambar tuu. So sweeeet. Awww <3 <3 <3

There's always a first time for eveything

Hai Assalamualaikum. you know what, semalam aku pergi main futsal. First time woahh. Myra ahh call aku pagi pagi time aku tido agi ajak gi main kat Selayang Mall. Entah kenapa aku cakap okay. Then pukul 4.30 aku gerak ngan minah. Sampai sana je jumpa diorang naik atas, main. First perempuan lawan laki
Maryam, Minah, Myra, Ailim, Shaa vs Nawar, Syed, Aney, Safwan, Mukhlis . Aku da laaa tak reti main. Sepak macm apa jee. Lepas tu tukar team. Minah ngan aku tukar ngan Nawar and safwan. Time ni minah main gempak. Banyak goal pulaaak. Haha. Then tukar lagi, minah ngan safwan tukar. Like aku sorang je perempuan dalam group tuu. Da laaa aku tak reti main. Okaay Whatever. Nak cerita, semalam memang penat + fun gilaaa. Gelaaak je memanjang. Enjoy ahh :)
Hai Assalamualaikum. Saya nak story dekat awok sikit. Last sunday kan, my family went out to Kuala Kubu Bharu. Saja laaa nak jalan jalan. Da bosan sangat duduk rumah. Da sampai sana, makan apa semua, kitorang decide nak naik Frasier's Hill. Serious hari tu angin gila kuat and sejuk gila. Since kitorang tak planning dari awal nak naik, so tak pakai laaa sweater. Memang menggigil habis laa. Sampai sampai cari masjid dulu solat. Kat situ kan, bunga dia cantik cantik and angin dia pun segar. Lepas da snap snap picture semua, kitorang turun dekat yang jam tuu. then snap snap lagi. Tiba tiba kakak aku ajak pergi beli souvenir. Mak bagi rm70. kitorang habiskan beli t-shirt dua and magnet yang lekat kat peti ais tu tiga. Hee. 
Then mak tanya 
mak : " hangpa habiskan semua duit tu ke ?"
Me : " Aah. Hehe *senyum kambing*"
mak : " Mak bagi 20 tu suruh jangan pecah 50 tuu "
Me : *senyum kambing konon nak lembutkan hati mak jangan marah*

After that, planning nak balik da laaa sebab da pukul 6 lebih. Tiba tiba kaaaan . . . . Kereta tak boleh start. Masa tu like, Ohmaaaaiii. Kitorang mintak tolong sorang doktor ni nak 'jump-start' pun tak boleh. Call punya call punya call, result dia, kitorang tak boleh balik, tidur sana, and yang paling best, tidur dalam keretea sebab takda bilik daa. Semua penuh. Kitorang tak kesah. Then malam tu kitorang jalan jalan, main bubble yang sabun tu, snap picture lagi * yeah. kitorang kaki snap* . Main carom sekat sejam lebih then tidur. Next morning balik lepas subuh. Tu pun tumpang orang turun pergi stesen KTM Kuala kubu. balik balik, tidur, mandi, hantar kak nab balik poli, makan kat bigfoot * tempat ni awesome gilaa. Walaupun mahal sikit, still awesome.* . Then balik rumah, tidur. Heee. Okay, entry ni sangat panjang. Nak masukkan gambar ? Malas boleh ? Hee. Annyeongg. Assalamualaikum :)


Friday 23 December 2011

I know how you feel

Tadi kan tadi kan, aku baca blog kawan aku ni tau. Dia cerita laa pasal kawan dia yang da mula lupakan dia, tak hargai dia and whatsoever. Okaay. Untuk awak yang saya sayang dan rindu : Aku faham apa kau rasa weh, aku lagi rasa macam tuu. Orang yang aku rasa aku rapat dengan dia and dia hargai aku, rupanyaa tidak. Kita je yang over. You see, bila aku baca blog diorang, list diorang yang diorang buat name tuu, sorang pun tak tulis nama aku. Except for two people yang aku tahu memang sayang aku and aku pun sayang diorang sangat sangat. Aai, don't worry. walau pun dia buat macam tu, bare this in mind. ramai lagi yang sayang kau. Aku sayang kau. Kalau dia macam tu, kau biar jee. Kalau dia ingat kau, dia pergi dengan kau. Kalau tak, jangan kesah sangaat. Susah hidup kau nanti kalau kau selalu berfikiran macam tuu. Takpa laaa. Kalau dia takda ngan kau, ramai lagi yang akan dengan kau termasuk aku okaaay ? Iloveyou laaa <3


I'm so noob

Hai Assalamualaikum. Nak cakap ni jee. Can anyone please help me edit my bloooog >.< . I'm so noob. Okay thank you. Bye . Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday 21 December 2011

2011 Awsomeness

Hai Assalamualaikum peeps.It's almost the end of the year. I'll be entering 2012 with full of confident, hard-working and excited mood *Ihope* . I really do miss my friends. I have a  flashback about what I've gone through this year.

 January - Nothing much. First month entering form 4. Yeahh, This month most of it we like, judge the teacher about their teaching method and whether we like it or not

February - Same laaa. Boring school routine. Wake up, go to school, back from school, tuition, online, sleep.

March - This month, I went to Biodiversity camp at Terengganu for 5 days during the school break. It was hell lot of fun. I meet new and old friends. Mostly new. They are all so awesome. I met with Furqon, my old friends. People say we look alike and and and, one of the trainors like so annoying with us cause we always stick together because we're in the same group. I really do miss them. gambar nak ? 
*Thirah, Hanim, Amal, Me <3*
*Kami sekeluarga <3*
*Me and pacik sakai Furqon *

April - Hmm. Setahu aku, nothing big

May - Mid term exam, taknak cite result. sedih T.T . And I also made the biggest mistake ever T.T . I broke up with him -,-

June - Realising my mistake. Trying to persuade him. He didnt ready yet. I't okay. As long as I can be his friend.:)

July - Typical school and alsoo, Puasa :) and yeah, I found new boy that came when I'm in mess -,-

August.- Puasa lagi. and and and, RAYA ^^

September - Around  19th, I broke up with him. First It really upsetting me. Then,  from the advice that my friend gave me, I stand up again. ALhamdulillah. Now, We're friends kan mok kan ^^ . At the end of the month also, I join one camp for all the head prefect all over selangor. So cool. I posted about it already. So no need to explain again aitee ? ^^

October - Nothing big. Just the scary final exam -,-. I screwed up a lot. I made another big mistake -,-

November - Still exam, then, after exam, I went for a camp for muslim pupil. Leadership camp for muslim student Gombak district. Cool aitee ? Then a lot of work given by teachers ^^

Dicember - Boring likee errrrgggghhhhh -,-. 

That's all for now, Anyeongg ^^

Monday 19 December 2011

I'm Yours

Hai Assalamualaikum, Since saya da ready, Ni nak umumkan, pada 1.05 am 14.12.11, I'm officially his. Who ? FHJ. Heee. Okay, to you, Thanks for open your heart to me, I love you. I happy dengan you. Lagi lagi bila text ngan you. You suka buat lawak bodoh kan. ilove you and I always do. Like I normally say, Today, Tomorrow, and Forever, Iloveyou. That's all for now. Annyeong ^^
Hai Assalamualaikum, nak tahu taaak, Kita kann, tiba tiba je malam ni teringat dekat sorang kawan lama kita taw. nama dia, Nurulhusna Binti Ahmad Kamarul Helmy aka Husna Elmo dekat Fb dia tuu. Ntah kenapa, rindu sangat dekat dia. Lama tak jumpa. Tahun ni langsung takdok. Cedih jee. Btw btw, Pesanan untuk Unaaa :-
Weh kau, kau kau, aku rindu kau doi. Lama gilaaa tak jumpaa. Yelaa. Orang tu happy dengan dia punyaaa bf. Baca blog pun, alolololo, so shuweeeet. Heee. Weh, bila nak jumpa, Bila nak hangout sama sama macam dulu. Merayap KLCC laaa, mandi laa whatsoever tuuu. Seyes rindu kauu. Kau pun combong nan aku kan *euuuwww. Ayat rempit kau* . Haha. Weh weh weh, serious rindu kaaauuu ! Muah muah *Bangga taw dapat kiss dari aku. jarang orang dapat tau* Heee. okay, last but not least, iloveyouuu :P Tu jee. Byebye. Assalamualaikum, Annyeong ^^
*See this girl ? Ni laa una. Gedik kan. Haha. Kau comel laaa*

Saturday 17 December 2011

Hai awak, Yeah awak, saya rindu awak. Awak tak rindu saya ke ? Oh yelaa. Siapa laa saya ni kan. Cuti ni bosan laa. Takda siapa ajak keluar. Cuti 1 bulan setengah ni saya duduk rumah, pergi tuition je taw. Sedih nyaa. Hmm. takpa laaa. Heee. Eh eh, dah nak sekolah laaa. Tak sabar laa. Excited taw nak pergi sekolah. Yang pasti, saya akan lebih berusaha tahun depan. Saya takkan buat benda bodoh macam tahun nih. Hanya sorang je tahu apa tu. Hee. Apa apa pun, nanti saya nak pergi shopping barang sekolah. Cita cita saya nak study dekat luar negara. Tapi tak tahu lagi nak study apa. Pelik kan. Haishh. K laah. Anyeongg. Btw, you, saranghae <3

Yours truly,

Friday 16 December 2011

From the bottom of my heart

To tell you the truth, I don't feel like I have so many true friends now. They already moved on. It makes me so sad. But still, I love all my friends although I know they don't really care whether I'm there or not. I'm just a person that they forget easily.  it's not like I want them to be by my side all the time. I just want them to appreciate me. All the people that I think would love me and remember me truly does not. when I see their blog and their list of name that love the most, none of them have my name. yeahh. I know this is nonsense. but i can't help it. it's just what I feel. I can't tell other people but only you. For those who read this, just keep it to yourself. Don't talk to me about this. I might burst out with tears. i hope you understand. whatever it is, Iloveyou friend <3 <3 <3
 *this shows how much iloveher*

Oh hey, I forgot about someone. it;s my ketot metot comel lotey gedik, Lim lim. Heee. She's one bestfriend that i became close with this year. She is Ailim Norshamila Binti Abdul Rahim Lem.. Although I just get close to her this year because we're in the same class, But, it feels like we've known each other for years. She's someone that I can tell all my problems to. She always give me advie and always calm me down. She's someone I can trust the most right now. Save the best for the last. Iloveyou Lim Lim
Okay, Now I wanna tell you about my 'sakai gila' . Like what I call them, they are sakai. But still It was such a fun time to hang out with them. They would always make stupid jokes last year, everytime i finished tuition on friday, I would hangout with them down the Tuition centre where they would all gather. it would become like a motor shop. Although they a bit crazy, They are nice. They really are.They would protect their friends from anything. They always stick together. They stand for what they believe. People may see them like 'mat rempit' . But infact, no. they don't have all the 'bohsia' . If they had a gf, they would be loyal to her. they have the desire to study but you just have to push them a little. That's what people say, ' dont judge a book by it's cover' If you really know them, they are so nice. btw, ilovethem so much too. I hope we would always be friends. Wanna know who they are ? I can't post their picture. there's too much. Azz, Syamel, Apit, Mie, Amin, Zuhair, Efie, Kerol, Cucuk, and last but not least, Fikri :3 . Ilovethem <3

See this sakai ? His name is Zol Hazwan Hasanuddin. He's the craziest guy I ever known. When he's with his friends, he would go even crazier. he always sleep in class, play, and he always say what he want. He doesnt care about what people think. it become so annoying. But, he is a caring, nice, and lovely guy. he never turn his back on his friend. That's what I love about him. He is he. Nobody can change him except him Rasah -,- . Haha. Iloveyou Aney *geli sikit nih *

See this guy ? His name is Muhammad Ihsan hanafi. He's the nicest guy I ever known. He never get mad at me. Although he seems like a nerd, blur guy. He actually a very funny guy and he's also very good at sport especially football. ilovehim as my friend <3

Hey guys :)

*nampak ni ? Sweet kan ? Aku sayang mereka.*
*Pdot and Fara <3 *

Enough with my girls, now it's time for the guys. This person is more like a brother to me. I would tell him anything I want. If I hadd any problem, I will talk to him. he really do understand me. We known each other in form 2 at SJ. since then, we became close . We always back each other up and always tease other people. We would hang out at Frim and laugh like crazy. He truly is my best brother. I love him even more when he started dating my bestfriend. I always rely on him to takecare of her. Ilovethem both so much. I hope they will always be happy. Anyway, Thanks for being such an awesome friend and brother. Iloveyou Nor Muhammad Firdaus Roslan <3
Siti Nur Ameera Binti Che Azmy. This girl is one of my goodfriends. She's an annoying, childish, hot-tempered, kind, cute, lovely and caring girl. I met her when I was in form 1. She would always call me comel. Haha. So cute right. But you better watch out. She got a hand that I call iron hand. She would give a 'backhand' so hard and painful but yet, she doesn't feel hurt. She's now happy with her love. I'm happy for her too. To Mya : I hope you'll always happy and always think for your future. Change for the good. Love the people around you and goodluck in you study. Iloveyou <3

*stolen from her album*
Siti Amira Binti mohd Tamsir. This is another girl that I love . I met her in form 1. The first time she enter our school, all of our classmates will go to her and introduce ourselves. Since then, We became close. Of course, We have our ups and downs but I still love her. She teach me to be matured and try to make my own decision. She's always been there for me. I hope we will become friends forever because I don't wanna lose her. Iloveyou Tam tam <3
 *She's beautiful right ?*

SJ beautifull Princesses

 *Me, Wani, Sab <3*
Syazwani - she's been there since last year. We were in the same class in form 3. We always study together and I always ask her if i don't understand anything. Especially account subject *but now I dropped account* . She's my nenek and my sister and Iloveher <3
Sabrina - She just enter SJ this year. But she still one of the best student. I really do respect her. Although she play sometimes, but when it comes to study time, she will concentrate and do her best. I always ask her question in class because I'm a bit blurr sometimes. Hihi ^^. Iloveyou Sab <3

*syafiqah and Aainaa <3*
Syafiqah - I call her piqa or peah. She's a cheerful girl. Same like wani, I will always ask her account question back then. But even now I didn't take account anymore, we are still close. She always reserve me a place beside her during add math times when i came in late. We would always argue if we have different answer. Hihi. Iloveyou Peah <3
Aainaa - okay, this girl just enter this year and she also just stop tuition there. I also don't know why. But we had great time together. If she's in a study mood, you better don't make noise. When she's studying, she really need to concentrate. But then if she open her mouth, some of you maybe can't take it because she has a  laser mouth. But, whatever she is, Iloveher <3
*Aminah And Farah <3 *
Aminah - this girl, she had been my neighbour for life. She started tuition Sj last year. But at that time, we're not that close. As we move on, we become closer and closer. She always accompanied me whenever i need, she has something that people call 'mulut tak reti dok diam'. haha. She's a straight forward girl, I always like her honesty. She's very friendly and she truly is my friend. Iloveyou Min min <3
 FarahNasyitah - She's my twin. She enter SJ in form 1 and quit in form 2. but then, she enter back around june 2011. We became very close in form 1. People always say we're look like twins. She's someone that may annoyed you, but Iloveher and I know, she love me too. Iloveyou Farah. Saranghae <3
*Ichibatani emiri and Ong Ying Shuen <3 *
Ong Ying Shuen - I known this girl when I'm i form 1 or 2 if I not mistaken. She's a very smart girl. She will study with all her heart. She's a fan of music. She plays piano and she would always ask me to listen to her favourite songs. But now, she already quit and I haven't seen her since last year. But, Ilovehersomuch. And I miss her so much <3
Ichibatani Emiri- She's my mommy. She enter SJ in form 3. I respect her so much. We always go rehat togehter and we always gossip together along with ying shuen. I miss those days. All I can say is, Iloveyou Mommy. <3

Maryam <3

Thursday 15 December 2011

Okaay, Next person is the one that I call my Kak Naz. Yes, She's like a sister to me. She always gave me advice whenever I need it. First time I met her in 1A1. We became close when we waited for our mother and transport to pick us up. We will guess who will go back first and normally, I would. Heee. I always enjoy studying with her. She can get me focus because normally I won't. Whenever I went to her house, I would go crazy over her CD collection. Aaaahhh. I would always borrow from her the CD. Thanks macikk. during PMR studying season, we always stay back and study together. Now, She had move to other school. I haven't met her since our last meeting at Summit. Imisshersomuch and iloveher. Wanna meet the person I was talking about ? This is her.

Hey, I'm back. Okaaay. Straight to the topic. Today I wanna introduce you to someone special that I love and miss so much. Her name is Nur Farah Hazirah Mohd Fauzi. I met her on the first day I step foot at SMKIH. She's the first person I knew in that school. We sat together at the front of the class. At that time, we started to know each other closer. We exchanged phone num, texting at night and so much more. We also became prefect together. She's my bestfriend in sickness or health, in happy or sad. But then, now she's no longer in SMKIH. She's in SMTS. I miss her so much. But I know she's in a good hand of a guy name Nor Muhammad Firdaus Roslan. I entrusted him to take care of her. To you, Note this, Iloveyou and Imissyou so much. We don't get to see each other this holiday right. I'll try at the end of the year okaay. That's all for now. Eh, you wanna know who she is ? This is her 

*I stole this form her blog. miane*

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Warning : These few entry will be very long. So If you hate it, leave it :)

Know who this person is ? My one and only FHJ. Actually, I have no idea who he is at first when he ask for my number last year. I only knew some of his friends like syamel, syafiq and a few other guys. Then suddenly they ask for my number on behalf of him. At that time I was like -,- . yeahh. Weirdo. At first, I didnt wanna give him but I just can't take it when everyday, they will tease me or in other word 'kacau' me at school and tuition. I just can;t take it. At last, i gave him my number. That time, I started to know him, we become best friend Until one night, he ask me to be his gf. Haha. Wanna know the story ? At that time, like usual, we just texting. then suddenly he say he want me to be his close friends only. but then, he changed his mind. he said let's just be scandal *it means like couple but not couple* only because I'm about to have my PMR at the end of the year. . I said okay laaaa. About 3 or 4 text after that, he said, lets couple. At that time, I was happy plus laughing like crazy. So funny laaa you F. After that, I'm his for about 9 moths. quite long right. At that time, honestly, I broke up with him for stupid reason. For a guy that I don't know laa. Then I realize my mistake, I started to text him again and we became close again. It was during the mid-year school holiday. For the first time ever, i ask him to be my bf. TWICE. But then he said he was not ready. I was like, okay laaa. But still texting like usual. But then, after the school holiday, he started to ignore me. I was very very very sad. But, for some reason, after 3 or 4 month later, we started to get close again. But this time, I realize, I can't expect anything from him. Just as a friend. And now, I'm happy being his friend. Although he's like crazy right. Whatever. Haha. That's all for now peeps. Annyeong ^^

Okaay. Since tonight I'm bored to death, I'm gonna post about people I love excluding my family laaa. Heee <3
Okaay, See you next post :)

Saturday 10 December 2011

Fun day at SJ Edu Pro Tuition Centre

Bengkel Pra-SPM - 10 cara untuk gagal dalam SPM anda

Tarikh : 10 Disember 2011
Tempat : SJ Edu Pro Tuition Centre.
Aktiviti :-

Okaayy, Sampai centre pukul 8.00 AM taaw. Then lepas da settle semua, pergi breakfast dekat kedai Paklan. Not bad laaa. Aku boleh masuk laaa. Then first session with Sir Nooriman. Time ni, kitorang kena brainwash habishabis. Sir cakap, kalau macam ni laa perangai kitorang, sorang pun takkan lulus SPM babe SPM ! Then Sir start dengan first 5 reason. Then after that, ada session dengan abang sofie *betul ke eja ? . Dia ni ex-student SJ jugak. KP IH tahun 2007. Now dia jadi pilot. And guess what ? Dia abang Silmi. Haha. Some of you may knows *adakeyangbaca ? LOL. Dia cerita laaa macam mana problem dia and macam mana dia bangkit and fight for his SPM laaa. And macam macam lagi laa. After that, pergi lunch. Dekat tempat sama jugakk. Then habis makan je semua dok beratur nak masuk toilet. Haha. Sumpah kelakar tengok cara diorang nak suruh orang dalam toilet tu cepat. Haha. Lepas tu sesi bersama abang apit. Abang fasi yang selalu ikut camp tuu. Dia buat game number network. Dia bagi kertas yang ada 56 num susun randomly. then kena bulat dan sambungkan num num dari 1 sampai 56. Haha. Ni pun kelakar gilaa. semua orang kelam kabut. Wong laaa yang best, dia pergi bulat num yang dekat dengan dia macam 53, 55 yang tinggi tinggi. Siot jee. Then lepas da bagi pengajaran pengajaran apa semua, break kejap then sambung balik. game ni pulak nak uji comunication kitorang. Macam kena hafal then bagi tahu orang. Aku jadi orang last dalam group. Text betul dia lebih kurang macam ni. "Paklong ada seorang anak bernama sulung. paklong suruh  sulung pergi ke pasar lontong beli sekilo *sayur dia aku lupa, terung, segulung tali dan sekilo sotong.dalam perkalanan pulang, sulung dikejar anjing garang, dia berlari lintang pukang, masuk longkang, patang tulang kelingking, balik membawa seekor sotong". lebih kurang macam tulaaa. Tahu aku tulis apa last last yang aku dapat ? : "paklong nolong tolong sotong, balik kena kejar lari lintang pukang " . Hahahaha. Sumpah kelakar.After session ni, sesi bersama cikgu ira or kak ira pulak. Dia pun sama. cerita problem dia apa semua and macam mana teacher tolong dia and everything laaa. Sayang cikgu ohh <3 . Heee. Then last session dengan abang apit balik. okay, time ni laaaa kau menjerit gila gila sampai sakit tekak then tak boleh tido. Game dia nama HUMAN SCRABBLE. Aku lead team aku. Then ada huruf huruf ditampal kat belakang budak lain laaa. Aku kena panggil nama diorang untuk susun perkataan sebanyak mungkin. Ni trick dia, group lain boleh buat bising untuk kacau. First aku geram laaa diorang bising. Then lepas da habis group aku, aku duduk then balas dendam balik. Aku jerit sekuat kuatnyaa dekat diorang. Biar tambah preassure. Yang paling kesian group last, group Haziq, memang bising gilagilaaa laaaa. Terbaik doh. Oh yeah, time bengkel ni jugak, aku dapat tahu berita yang sangat mengejutkan aku. ada laaa. Tak boleh bagi tahu. Tapi aku ngan minah paling terkejut laaa sebab benda ni jadi dekat jiran aku pulak. Whatever, habis tu, makan sikit, then balik. jalan kaki okaayy. Sampai SM jumpa zol, udin, pendek, sha, jieha, atok and yang manjee. diorang semua kerja situ. Rindu dowh dekat diorang. Hee. 
That's all for today. Thanks for reading. But I know not many of you read this right ? Hee. Anyyeong, Assalamualaikum :D 
having sore-throat,
maryam <3

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Missing you like crazy

I miss you so much tauu. Tapi I tahu you mana pernah nak ingat I. Yelaaa. Siapa laaaa yang I nak tipu kan. Siapa laaaa diri I ni bagi you. Just seorang budak yang pernah hadir dalam hidup you and sakitkan hati you banyak kali kan. Lepas ni da habis sekolah, takda laaa nak text lagi da kan. apatah lagi nak jumpa. Sekarang pun text boleh kira dengan jari bape kali sebulan. Yeah, I sedar I patut lupakan you for good kan sekarang. Tapi, I tetap akan tunaikan janji you for your birthday. I rindu nak dengar you bahan I, panggil I gemok, buat lawak bodoh, tacink ngan I sebab benda bodoh. last last I tacink balik then you kena pujuk, HAHA, Rindu tahu ! tapi you tak pernah tahu kan. Whatever laa, Anyway. kita bukan ada relation apa pun kan, So. I just simpan jee. Btw, I hope you're doing just fine, Goodluck in anything you wanna do in your life, and most important is, take care of yourself sayang :) . Iloveyou <3
maryam <3

Bored :(

I'm getting tired and sick with my blog. It was sooooooooooooo UGLY. Can someone help me edit pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! >.<

Monday 5 December 2011

Hey peeps. It's been along time since my last post right. Yeah. I've deleted the last post cause it doesnt important. You know what, i miss you bloggy and i miss all my friend especially you. Today is your last paper right ? Goodluck sayang. Im currently at my hometown, ipoh. So that's why i didnt come to tuition yesterday. I still have my rm100. I know what i want to buy but i havent got the chance to buy it. Errr -,- . What else do i want to tell you haa ? Oh Yeah! About my nadwah kepimpinan. But i'll do it in another post cause it's so hard to write because i online using my sister's iphone. Yeahh, profit her having an iphone. That's all for now my love. Byee, annyeong ! ^^

Thursday 10 November 2011


Assalamualaikum peeps !
Believe it or not, I actually like to go to school. Because I'm getting freakin bored staying home. Like -,- . 
*okay what is that ? Rubbish thing.
Hey you know what ? Next monday I got another camp. At Ulu Yam. Yeahh. Kem Nadwah Kepimpinan Peringkat Daerah Gombak. Heee. And guess what ? I'll be meeting with my sayang Nadhirah Ennaidi. She's an old friend from my primary school. It's been a long time since I met her last year at our so-called reunion for SRIAAG. But I met her again last month at the Kem Kepimpinan Ketua Pengawas. I told you about it right. Hee. Well, I'm gonna meet her again. Jealous ? Haha. Like I care. I'm super excited to go there. You know why ? Because I freakin like this kind of camp. That able us to mix with other student. Not just our friends but also other people and maybe from other school.  Okay Until next post, Bye :)
maryam <3

Wednesday 9 November 2011

You're the best thing I ever have :)

Assalamualaikum readers *adakeorangtahublogakuni.Harapmaklum.Akutakbagitahuorangpasalblogakunih.Kalaubacajangankutuk :) . 
Ayat kau tak boleh dramatis lagi ke Maryam ? dalam exam tak pulak kau nak jawab macam ni kan ? -,- . Haha. Dah lama tak update kan ? yelaa. Bukan ada orang baca pun. Aku tulis blog ni just for my pleasure. kan aku da cakap. Aku luahkan semua dekat sini. Because I have no one :) . Okay that's all. I'll post another one later. Need to do something right now. Bye. Assalamualaikum blogger :)

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Goodluck Atok

*haha. So cute right. SPM - Super Paper mario <3

14.11.2011. The form five student will sit for their exam. The scary SPM. *don't worry maryam, you will face it next year :) . I just wanna wish GOOD LUCK to all SPM candidates. I wish you all the best and do your best. Especially to all my form 5 friends. I'm gonna miss you in school next year. Especially you :) . All the best kay yeobo *wahh. yeobo gituu. He rarely online now. I think it's because of the SPM. 12 more days babe. And I don't have phone right now. So I'm freakingly miss him. And for some reason I never saw him in school this week. It was weird you know. I wanna ask those guys like Azz or someone else. But then, I felt embarassed. They will definitely teased me. I know them quite well. So I just have to keep inside me and just wait for him to come. Like yeahh, I miss him. But I never tell anyone. Anyway, again Goodluck to all SPM candidates. I know you can do it. Especially to Fikri Hafiz Jalil, Shafirul Hazry, Syamel Laili, Syafiq Ismail, Faiz Amiruddin, Zuhair, KhairullahTalib. They are the best form five laaa. I don't know why, I can't mix with the form 5 girls. Yeahh. Crazy right. But that't the truth. Hihi. Iloveyouguyssomuch. Although you guys are crazy. Haha. EspeciallyyouFHJ :)

Saturday 29 October 2011

True friend and family -,-

Saddest birthday ever. Haha. Yeke ? Ntah laaa. Now I know who's my real friend is. Now I know who really love me. And the sad thing is, among all the 'FRIENDS' I had, only 5  of them truly love me. Haha. So sad right. The rest of them just started to wish me when they see Furqon's post on my wall wishing me HB. So sad laaa. And to know that actually, my family also forgotten about my birthday is really upsetting me. I'm so upset. Look like for the past 4 years, my birthday was filled with tears. And I never forgot about their birthday. Not even once. Yeah, maybe I didn't wish. But it seems like they totally forgotten about me. Whatever laa.  I just hate it. Now I'm stuck in my room, and I won't come out from here. Because tears are falling down my cheeks. Haha. Whatever. Bye :D

Friday 28 October 2011

Happy Birthday Maryam Faahkaruddin. May Allah bless you. Note this, I love you and will always love you. I love you just the way you are. Don't ever forget that. Learn from your mistake and try to improve yourself. Don't trust anyone except yourself. Find your true friend okay. Stand for what you believe and never doubt that. Allah first then Rasulullah then your family then your friend. Listen to your parents. I love you Maryam Faahkaruddin

*letter from me to me. Haha. Happy Birthday to me :) . 

Thursday 27 October 2011

Today, Tomorrow and Forever, I Love You

Aku suka tajuk tu. Sebab apa, quotes tu ada dekat benda dia bagi dekat aku dulu. Haha. Jujur aku cakap, aku rindu dia. Aku rindu FHJ aku. Aku rindu atok aku. Aku sayang dia sekarang nih. Sayang sangat. Tapi aku tak biarkan rasa sayang ni take over me. sebab aku taknak sakit macam dulu. susah hidup weh kalau macam tu. Aku menyesal dengan apa aku da buat dekat dia dulu. Serious menyesal. Aku harap dia boleh terima aku balik. Tapi aku takut nak minta. Takut dia taknak terima and lastly aku jugak malu. Sedih kann. tapi whatever laaa. Now aku ngan dia just kawan je. Kan atok kan. Even just kawan, aku still happy <3

p/s ni dia. even dia tak handsome pun, dia baik sangat. 
ada aku kesah kau fikir apa pun. Bagi aku dia tetap comel :D
btw, ni gambar lama dia laa. Aku still simpan :D

Saturday 1 October 2011

Pemimpin Selangor 2011 Terbaik :D

26.09.2011, hari Isnin, bermula laa persekolahan seperti biasa. Pergi sekolah, ready nak perhimpunan. Then tiba tiba Pn Normala aka Mama Zol panggil aku cakap nak jumpa. Aku mula pelik laaa sebab apa. Lepas tu dia cakap, dia nak suruh aku pergi Kursus Kepimpinan Ketua Pengawas Sekolah Menengah Peringkat Negeri Tahun 2011 pada 26-29 September 2011 di Kem Idaman Nurani, Hulu Langat. Aku da terkejut gila. Hari ni pulakk. Aku cakap okay aku boleh pergi. Tapi kenapa Saifullah tak pergi ? Cikgu cakap Saifullah nak ambil netbook. Okay fine aku pergi. lepas da settle perhimpunan semua, aku pun balik, siap packing apa semua. memang kelam kabut gilaa laaa wa cakap luu. beg zip tercabut laaa apa laaa. nasib laaa dia suruh kumpul kat SM jee. Da sampai sana, nampak Naim, budak kem Biodiversity. lepas tu jumpa Nadhirah Ennaidi pulakk. Haa. time ni aku da lega sebab ada membe. Lepas tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu nak dekat dua jam depan SM tu, baru bas datang. Haishh. Sabar jelaa. Perjalanan 1 jam je. Okay. Intro da habis. Haha. Sebenarnya, wa nak cakap ni je, Kem ni sumpah best gilaaaa ! Tak sangka Pemimpin Pemimpin Negeri Selangor ni semua gempak gempak. Pengalaman ni aku sorang je ada dekat sekolah tu. Korang ada korang ada ? takda kan ? Aku je ada. Haha Bangga weh jumpa diorang. Aku tak beli video kem ni. So, agak menyesal jugak laaa. But, Eyra tolong uploadkan. Thanks Eyraa. Lapchuuu <3. Ni haa kalau nak tengok  Kp Kp sayang
*Backwood cooking. credit to Su <3

*makan di tepi sungai selepas memasak <3

*Nadhirah Ennaidi <3 - SEMERBAK

*Nur Husnina <3 - Taman Sri Selayang

*mandi sungai. Sumpah best gilaaa <3

*Auni Afif yang cool <3

*Nazifi Zulkifly yang handsome <3 
*I adore him <3
* Group 7 <3

*Group kesayangan nad, Group kain kapan katanya <3

* Mat Kilau No 1 ! ! ! <3
*Lepak-ing malam terakhir <3

*Siti Nurlaili Karim <3

*Coolest Dormmate ever <3 <3

*Fasi yang sporting bersama Tn. Zul <3

*Auni Afif, Hazzan- penghulu, Nuril - Best of the best <3

*kawan Bapak babi <3

*kawan bapak babi kepenatan <3

*abang comel Nad <3

*Taiko FC <3
*Setiausaha, Pengerusi, Taiko <3, Bendahari <3

*suka gambar ni. Kau nak cakap aku menggatal ? Sukati aku laaa. Tak kacau kau pun <3

Sunday 25 September 2011

I can finally think freely :D

Hey sayang <3 . da lama tak jumpa awak kan. Da lama tak update blog kan. Hihi. Saya nak cakap, yang saya akan cuba sedaya upaya saya untuk lupakan dia (!). Happy gila bila finally rasa dapat lupakan dia. Tapi not completely laaa. Sikit sikit je. Tapi sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit kan. Haha. Yeah. I'm not crying anymore. I've decided to be strong. I know I can do this just like before. I'm strong. Thanks to all my friends for encouraging me especially my gf also known as my twin, Farah Nasyitah Jefry and also My long lost bff, my pendek, Anak Pacik Jalil :D Thanks my sayangs :D. Yeah, diorang laaa yang pujuk saya, bagi dorongan dekat saya and macam macam lagi. AND tak lupa jugak dekat kawan kawan saya yang lain. Ilysm My dears :D. Saya da happy. Saya da free. Now focus on my studies only kay. No more guys for now. Alhamdulillah. Thank you :)

Person with free heart,
maryam :)

Sunday 18 September 2011

Today, Tomorrow and forever, I Love You

At 9:37 p.m on 18/09/2011, I, Maryam Binti Faahkaruddin is officially single. I'm no longer taken by Muhammad Nor Akmal Muhammad Hanaffi. Thanks for everything you've done boy. I really do appreciate it. Like you said, every couple has at least one breakup behind them. I guess this is ours haa. And I think we will never be the same like before. It will be damn awkward man. Note this. I love you and I'll always love you. I hope you're happy because that's all I need. Seing you're happy. I also hope that you will find a much much much better girl than me. I'm useless right. Last word from me, remember that I love you and always do. I can never hate you my dear.
person that always love you, 

Tuesday 13 September 2011

I HATE YOU ! ! !

Hai Cinta <3 * cinta tu blog saya kay. Hari ni sekolah macam biasa. bosan. Hihi. And hari ni jugak mokk tak datang. Memang best laaaa kan. Balik dengan mak. Why ? Because takda mood and puasa. Actually, nak cerita, tadi sepatutnya kitorang keluar kelas pukul 1.40 tapi aku, Myra and Lim Lim keluar awal sebab ingat ada choir laaa. Then sampai kantin, aku tengok budak budak form 5 yang masuk choir tu, ada dia. budak form 5 yang paling annoying and I don't like him. then terus aku cakap kat Myra, aku tak jadi masuk. Memang TAK laaa kan aku nak masuk kalau ada dia. Aku menyampah tengok muka dia. Sangat Menyampah. Lepas tu Myra tanya laaa dekat aku apasal. Aku terpaksa cerita sebab dia da tarik aku. Tapi aku cite ringkas jelaaa sebab dia nak cepat. Kalau cite panjang alamat dia tak pergi laaa latihan choir tu kan. Lepas dia da fed up ngan aku, dia terus pergi. Aku memang tak boleh masuk. Tak sanggup. Aku sampai nangis tadi myra paksa aku. Memang aku tak boleh. Last last aku terus balik. Ingat nak balik jalan kaki dengan Wan and Miza sebab nak naik bas takda teman but then aku decide nak suruh mak aku ambil. Lagi bagus. What ever it is, I want to thank Wan Adibah and Razinah Manaff for being there for me. You guys really do understand my problem. And Myra, aku tahu kau marah aku. Tapi aku lebih rela kena marah dengan kau daripada mengadap dia. TAK SANGGUP. Aku just harap kau faham. Sebelum ni ada ke aku buat hal ? Jarang kan. So kalau aku buat hal tu maknanya memang sangat sangat tak boleh. Sorry laaa babe. It's a no. And thanks for listening to my problem blog <3 . Iloveyou. Biar laaa kau tak cantik or whatever, Istillloveyou. *padahal aku yang create kau. Haha. That's all for now. Annyeongg <3

Monday 12 September 2011

Let bygones be bygones

Hai cinta <3 , nak tahu tak, tadi masa perhimpunan aku jadi MC weh. First time. nasib baik sekejap je. then kitorang ada senam aerobik. Kay tu je. Sebenarnya nak cerita ni. Tadi lepas rehat, Apit tanya aku ada buat openhouse tak. then aku ckp laaa semalam. lepas tu dia terus pergi. Then dalam perjalanan aku terserempak lagi dengan diorang. Start laaa diorang memperli aku kata openhouse tak ajak laaa, lupa kawan laaa, Ada boyfriend baru lupa diorang laaa. Aku cakap laaaa, fon aku hilang, no korang semua hilang. Even no FHJ pun aku tak ingat. Lepas tu diorang kata aku nipu, takkan aku tak ingat no dia. Aku cakap betul diorang tak percaya. Diorang dok perli aku dari blok B sampai blok E . Aku sabar je. Tapi bila time dia cakap aku da lupa dia tu, aku sedih. Dia tak tahu perasaan aku. Dia siap kata, da ada yang baru, buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih laaa. apa laaa itu laaaa. Aku sedih doh dengar. Even aku buat dia macam tu, aku still anggap dia kawan aku. Aku tak pernah lupa kawan. Diorang cakap macam aku ni bersalah gilaaa. Depan diorang okay, aku act macam aku ni kuat sangat laaa. Tapi sebenarnya tak. Bila dia cakap je macam tu aku sedih gila weh. Sampai je kelas, masuk lab, aku duduk sebelah Ailim. Nak tahu aku buat apa ? Nangis. Tak sangka aku nangis sebab benda ni. tapi, sedih sangat weh. Okay jujur aku still sayang dia. Antara ramai ramai dulu, dia laaaa yang paling aku sayang. sampai sekarang. Tapi rasa sayang sbgi bf tu da sedikit demi sedikit tukar jadi rasa sayang sebagai kawan. Aku taknak hilang dia. Aku sayang dia and aku sayang kawan kawan dia. Kawan kawan dia da jadi kawan kawan aku weh. Aku sayang dia sebagai kawan. Tapi, dia fikir lain. Hmm ntah laaa. I hope you're happy. I really do. IloveyouandwillalwaysloveyouFHJ . To Akmal, If you read this, eventhough I said I love him, I love you even more more and more sayang <3 
Maryam <3

It just a memory that I won't forget

Hm, hari jumaat hari tu, lepas tuition, lepak laaa dengan Mie, ntah kenapa, dengan dia, aku terbuka hati nak bercerita pasal dia. Aku percaya mie. hm, I just wanna ask you, Is it my fault that I'm now with someone else ? Yeah maybe. it's my fault that I broke up with you in the first place. But then, I realize my mistake and I did try to persuade you right. I did ask you to be my bf twice right ? I know it's my fault that we broke up, I really regret it. At that time, I really hope you can forgive me and give me another chance. But you said you were not ready yet. okay, I waited for you. We get close again during the mid year school holiday right ? But then after the school holiday, you act like nothing happen during the school holiday. Then I decide to forget you but I can't. Until then Akmal came to my life. He was like the light in my life. He chered me up and he always make me smile. and slowly, I was able to forget you. until one day, he ask me to be his gf. At first, I accept it because I want to forget you completely. But now I already love him. I hope you're happy. But, when kerol started to call me with that stupid name, I felt guilty. I know you're sad, But I can't do anything. So I just kept it in my heart. I didnt tell anyone. I can only tell you. I'm Sorry FHJ for hurting you. But I can't wait you forever. Sorry
person in dilemma, 

Sunday 11 September 2011


Okay, hari ni mak ada buat masak masak kat rumah. Hihi. Mak masak favourite kitorang, Laksa. Nyum Nyum. Hihi. Kay, for these two days, memang penat gilaaa la kan. Semalam pergi rumah Syafiqah Ishamuddin - peah, piqa or angelina jolie , rumah Nazihah - ziha , rumah Hannah Amirah and rumah  cikgu Mat Aris. Keluar tengah hari tapi balik pukul 7. gempak tak. Actually semalam keluar pukul 10 then, jalan kaki pergi rumah Aainaa kat Bukit Idaman tu. Then sampai rumah Aainaa, tengok diorang da pergi rumah Aivi. Agak lama laaa aku duduk depan rumah Aainaa macam orang mintak sedekah. Then aku fed up aku terus balik naik cab. kol 12 lebih baru gerak rumah Piqa. Sabar jelaaa. masa dekat rumah hannah pulak, kitorang pergi dulu. then baru thirah, wan, zihah, angah, iddin, uddin, malen, akmal and aziz gerak. kitorang sampai, diorang sesat. time tu pulak hujan. memang parah laaa kan sapa naik moto lenjun badan. Bila dorang kata diorang da sesat + da turun cab, aku ngan piqa pergi laaa carik diorang satu taman tu. da laaa hujan banjir pulak tu. aku ngan piqa redah je and habis basah kasut ngan seluar kitorang. but then last last diorang da sampai. haiiissshhh. Nasib laaa aku sayang diorang. kay laaa tutup cerita semalam. hari ni pulak kitorang pergi rumah angah dengan rumah aku. Hihi. First pergi rumah angah dalam pukul 2.30 macam tu. Ramai gilaaa.. Then makan makan gerak rumah aku. Aku nak cakap officially laaa yang kalau lepak ngan AMIRUL AZIM memang akan menyakitkan hati. tapi kalau takda dia bosan. HAHA. Sakai. Lepas pergi rumah aku lepak makan semua diorang balik. Tapi yang aku bangga sekali sebab diorang kata chocolate chip aku sedap. Haha. Yes, aku tahu sedap sebab yang menghabiskannya aku. Haha. Gila kan. Kay, Lepas group yang pergi dari rumah angah datang, group Akmal, Adha - kiki, Im, Haziq and Zol datang pulak. Diorang tak sempat rasa chocolate chip aku sebab da habis. Haha. Padan muka. Tapi diorang tak makan pun just minum je. And masing masing senyap lagi lagi Nor Muhammad Akmal Mohamed Hanaffi. Macam orang bisu dah. Haha. Biar laaa. Alaa kau nih maryam macam tak biasa pulak. Macam entry lepas laaa kan. Oh btw, dia baca taw. then dia kata Sorry <3 . Haha. Best kan bila orang cakap macam tu je -,- . Whatever laaa. bukan dia kesah pun kan. haha. thats all for now. nak kena siap sekolah besok. Pagi pagi da ada senam aerobik. Haha. Okay laaa. janji tak payah pakai kain. Tak suka pakai kain. Menyusahkan :). Annyeongg. Iloveyou Buu and Ifreakingloveyoublog <3 <3 <3

Saturday 10 September 2011

Hey, nak tahu tak, aku rasa sedih. Tak tahu kenapa. Aku sedih bila aku online and tengok dia online, tapi dia tak tegur aku even though aku tahu yang dia just online pakai fon dia. Aku sangat sedih. Buat aku rasa dia tak peduli pasal aku. Okay maybe dulu waktu first first aku couple dengan dia, niat aku nak lupakan FHJ. But now aku da sayang dia. And it hurts me when he don't chat with me, Never talk to even though i sit next to him, never really show that he care for me. He make me feel like i'm nothing to him and he don't want to be with me. It really make me sad. I'm typing this entry with tears falling down my cheeks. Maybe it's me that showing that I don't care about him . I don't know laaa. maybe it's a mistake for me to be with him. I hurts me Buu that you're doing this to me. ILOVEYOUSOMUCH and I'm so weak when it comes to love. 

It's Me againn :D

Hello peeps. it's me again. I think this is the third time i create my blog. Haha. Gilaaa kan. Whatever laaa. My blog so as my wish laaa. Haha. Actually, the reason I create my blog again is because I need a place to express all my feelings because I don't think I have a friend that is truly my friend and can never backstab me. I don't know why but I think they just a 'FRIEND' and no real friend. I miss my  kak naz - Nur Amirah Zahrin , my Pacik and macik couple - Nur Farah Hazirah Mohd Fauzi and Firdaus Roslan. They are truly my friend and I miss them so much. Now all my friend that I used to tell them all my problem is changing. So it's better for me to just Exprexxmyselfhere right. Haha. That's all for now then. There'll be a bunch of people who will be coming to my house. Annyeongg my blog <3

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